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Our latest CQC report Posted or Updated on 28 Mar 2024

Church Langley Medical Practice CQC inspection report


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its report into our practice and given us a rating of ‘inadequate’ following an inspection in November 2023. 

Whilst we do not fully agree with everything the CQC raises in their report, we note there are identified areas that the practice were aware of. The practice already had action plans in place to rectify these areas, prior to publication of this report.


Since the inspection staff at the practice have worked hard to make improvements in many areas and continue to strive to provide the best clinical care possible. 


While we note the findings of this report, we are disappointed that the report does not reflect the action plan we put in place to address the areas of concern.


Some of the improvements we have already made include:

  • Refurbishment within the practice including to our reception area.
  • Staff and patient engagement exercises
  • Relaunch of our Patient Participation Group


We would welcome more members to join our Patient Participation Group – Please contact the practice if you would like to join.


The full CQC report can be found on the CQC website


We know many of you already share your feedback with us through our family and friends survey, we continue to strive to provide best clinical care possible with the resources we have, and this is reflected in our latest family and friends survey results. We want to thank all of you for your invaluable feedback and engaging with the practice to shape how we operate. The practice is looking forward to our re-inspection by CQC to demonstrate the improvements made. If you have feedback or questions relating to the CQC report, its findings, or recommendations please telephone the practice and request to speak with Cait.

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