Disclosure of Patient Information
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 everyone working in the NHS has a legal duty to maintain the highest level of confidentiality about patient information. Your medical history is recorded on our computer system and in paper records which are accessed by authorised users only. Your identifiable information will only be shared in the following circumstances:
- To provide further medical treatment e.g. referral to other healthcare services such as hospital consultants or community healthcare team like district nurses.
- To provide assistance from other services e.g. from the social care services. This will require your consent.
- When we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases
Anonymised patient information may be used for local and/or national level to help plan services for the wider community. If you do not anonymised information to be used then please inform us of this.
Disclosure of identifiable patient information to any outside agencies will only be done after receiving written permission (consent) from the patient.
Medical Records
You are entitled to access your medical records. The practice charges a standard fee of £10. Please speak to the practice administrator on 01279 638528 for further information. Requests for medical reports from insurance companies are charged at a different rate.